
Buckle up for a wild ride!

Buckle up for a wild ride!

Buckle up for a wild ride! [igp-video src=""...

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Let’s get rowdy

Let’s get rowdy

Let’s get rowdy [igp-video src="" poster=""...

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It’s hotdogs….. we’re selling hotdogs…….. for taco tour…….. it’s the american version of a taco…….. get it…… like the meat in the shell…… and the salsa….. is like the dog in the bun….. and the ketchup……. You get it right????? Ok sweet…… @tacotourmanchester sorry for being a pain in the ass……..

It’s hotdogs….. we’re selling hotdogs…….. for taco tour…….. it’s the american version of a taco…….. get it…… like the meat in the shell…… and the salsa….. is like the dog in the bun….. and the ketchup……. You get it right????? Ok sweet…… @tacotourmanchester sorry for being a pain in the ass……..

It’s hotdogs….. we’re selling hotdogs…….. for taco tour…….. it’s the american version of a taco…….. get it…… like the meat in the shell…… and the salsa….. is like the dog in the bun….. and the ketchup……. You get it right????? Ok sweet…… @tacotourmanchester sorry for...

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