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Shoppers Articles
Gift card promotion until May 1, 2020. Great idea from our friends @johnbrewerstavern! We’d like to join in on this promotion and urge other restaurants to do the same! #buynoweatlater #manchester #supportlocalbusiness
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Gift card promotion until May 1, 2020. Great idea from our friends @johnbrewerstavern! We’d like to join in on this promotion and urge other restaurants to do the same! #buynoweatlater #manchester #supportlocalbusiness
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PEANUT. BUTTER. WHISKEY. New cocktail list is out and the “Nutter Butter” is leading the pack. Come check it out for yourself.
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Let the legend live on. #8 #24 #mambamentality
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UPDATE: The hat has been recovered! Thank you to everyone who shared our original post!
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To all the fans of @korn_official who came in for dinner last night before the show at the @snhuarena thanks for rocking with us! 200+ satisfied customers and new friends along the way.
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WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!! on 1/24/2020 someone misplaced their hat at the restaurant after the @jeffdunham show at the @snhuarena and we would love to return it to its rightful owner with a firm handshake for their service. Please share this and help us!!!! Until then it will be safe with us and proudly displayed above the bar.
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@lonepinebrewing Oh-J on tap while supplies last
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Thursday’s are the new Fridays, come have a mule or two. @espolontequila @stoli
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Yesterday was NOT FUN! But we are back up and running today, Monday 1/20/2020 #wehavefunhere #shoppersmht #lunch #apps #dinner #manchester #mondayscanbefun
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Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are closing for the time being. Sorry for the inconvenience. #wewillbebackasap #shoppersmht #wearesad #nickispissed
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