We are opening at 3PM on Thursday & Friday. We will have three seatings: 3PM, 4:45PM & 6:30PM. Each seating is 90 minutes. Link In Bio to make your reservation! Reservations will be taken at a first come, first serve basis. This is a new game for us, so please be patient as we work out the kinks. Check out the menu and stay tuned for more instruction tomorrow! #shoppersmht #pizza #burgers #takeout #parkinglotdining #supportlocalbusiness
by Shoppers | May 19, 2020 | Shoppers Pub + Eatery
![984809852461248431623693377579087825971602n | Shoppers Pub and Eatery We are opening at 3PM on Thursday & Friday. We will have three seatings: 3PM, 4:45PM & 6:30PM. Each seating is 90 minutes.
Link In Bio to make your reservation!Reservations will be taken at a first come, first serve basis. This is a new game for us, so please be patient as we work out the kinks.
Check out the menu and stay tuned for more instruction tomorrow!]()
We are opening at 3PM on Thursday & Friday. We will have three seatings: 3PM, 4:45PM & 6:30PM. Each seating is 90 minutes.
Link In Bio to make your reservation!
Reservations will be taken at a first come, first serve basis. This is a new game for us, so please be patient as we work out the kinks.
Check out the menu and stay tuned for more instruction tomorrow!
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